About us
The Central Library of the Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), founded in 1948, is a special library, dealing with church matters and theology. Deposited in it are over 100,000 books and 130 learned journals, emphasizing these subject areas. The Central Library is responsible for providing literature and other media, as well as expert information within the EKHN. As a scholarly library of the administration it provides the EKHN in addition with legal texts and literature, dealing with public administration. The Central Library of the EKHN is a certified library with old holdings, registered in the Association of Scholarly Ecclesiastical Literature (VkwB), as well as in Section 5 (Special Scholarly Libraries), and as such it is a member of German Library Association (dbv).
User Information
The Central Library of the EKHN is a public institution and as such open to all interested persons and can be used by them free of charge, provided they obey the rules. Every person within the region of the EKHN, regardless of profession or creed, has the right to borrow books and other materials. If you have any questions, please turn to zentralbibliothek[at] We will be glad to help you!
Online Catalogue
The holdings of the Central Library are for the most part registered in the online catalogue. Here you can start your research and check, whether we have the book you need.
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